Public Consultation

The Maldives Pension Act entrusts Maldives Pension Administration Office (Pension Office) the responsibility to administer Pension Schemes introduced under the Pension Act and formulate regulations to manage the pension schemes. 

To enhance the effectiveness of the Regulations formulated under the Pension Act and reinforce confidence in the pension system through communication and dialogue, Pension Office intends to incorporate public consultation into its regulation formulation process. 

The public consultation process aims to tap a wider source of information to improve the quality of decisions, identify any concerns and issues that might have been overlooked in existing evidence or research, consider input from stakeholders and identify necessary adjustments prior to the finalization of Regulations. 

How to Submit Comments 

Regulations open for public consultation will be published on this page. To submit comments click the link and follow the directions provided in the link. 

Regulations open for public consultation

Draft Regulation on Investment Screening and Due Diligence

Comment Submission Due Date: 25th August 2023

Link to submit comments

Comment Form